Events & News
On Saturday, May 10, 2014, many people will gather to celebrate the 21st birthday of Arcturus. You are cordially invited! All graduates, current and former students, teachers and board members, as well as friends, families and guests are welcome. And there will be cake! We’ll begin at 11:30 am, in the auditorium of the Chicago Waldorf School, with a potluck lunch. All attendees are asked to bring a dish to pass. At 12:45 we’ll have a program with speakers, artistic presentations by current students, and music. Any graduate who would like to share their current work is heartily invited to do so! If you would like to be included in the performance program, or have a table to display your work, please contact Ingrid Gomez at . We are very excited about coming together to recognize and honor the work that has been done at Arcturus for the last 21 years. We hope you’ll make plans now to join us on this special day!
At this time the Core Group is happy to announce an exciting new opportunity for you in the coming years. Arcturus graduates are now invited to "audit" classes during the regular school year for the low-low cost of $50 per course (supply fees not included)! Need some more Theosophical insight? Lost sight of the Higher Worlds? Forgotten how to play high "e" on the recorder? Now is the perfect time to brush up on your wet-on-wet watercolor technique!
Although none of these classes are able to count toward a degree (see our exciting new Early Childhood Program), we hope that this incentive will encourage you to not only refresh your own teaching and personal growth, but also to bring your experience both from Arcturus and from your own work into the current student body!Please contact Ingrid Gomez our office administrator at , or just click here to register for 2012-2013.
The Core Group