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Arcturus has worked for almost twenty years in Chicago, providing engaged, motivated and open-minded individuals with a professional Waldorf Teacher Education training, -as well as providing a source of personal growth and development- through weekend classes in a collaborative environment. These classes open participants to new possibilities and potential in their present work and daily life, and can provide a prerequisite certification for a new or renewed profession.
This Adult Education Program has its source in the great cultural traditions of humanity, and in the research of Rudolf Steiner, PhD, the founder of a modern Spiritual Science, which he called Anthroposophy ( the divine feminine wisdom of the human being). Out of this source along with many other initiatives, he established the Waldorf Education movement, which has over 900 schools around the globe. The essential foundation of this growing education movement is Steiner's comprehensive perception of the whole human as a being of body, soul, and spirit.
Practical Work Initiatives arising from his research are in the fields of Philosophy, Medicine, Architecture, Agriculture (organic and biodynamic),Special Education (Camphill Villages) and Education (Waldorf Schools), as well as in a broad spectrum of the Arts. These are applied in thousands of locations worldwide. Of particular concern for us, the need for trained Waldorf teachers in this country and abroad is great and continues to grow.