If you wish to cancel your subscription to our installment plan, please click the "unsubscribe" button, and follow the instructions.
Installment Plan 2014-15
Before subscribing to our installment plan, :
1. If you have not REGISTERED please click here to fill out the form.
2. Please click here to READ, REVIEW, and ACCEPT our terms & conditions.
IMPORTANT: We must receive your registration and acceptance of conditions prior to processing your subscription to our installment plan.
4. From the drop-down menu* below, select the monthly payment equivalent to your scenario, and click on "Subscribe." Please follow the instructions on the Paypal window.
5. Your credit/debit card will be charged the same amount for the following (10) ten months.
You can now subscribe until August 5th, 2014. Subscriptions after this date will not be accepted.