Curriculum Painting
Study of the Waldorf elementary grades curriculum offers many artistic themes from fairy tales in first grade to the age of revolutions in eight grade. However, understanding the principles of child development which work through the curriculum is an important part in developing a sense for the artistic element which underlies all lessons in the grades. In this course we will explore both the practical aspects of painting and inspiration for the development of painting lessons which awaken perceptive and imaginative capacities in the student.
Waldorf teachers – no matter whether they teach in the grades, early childhood or high school – will find the art of recorder playing both useful and enlivening. Basic music notation and playing for enjoyment also helps develop the musical sense for prospective teachers.
Clay Work
Fundamental pedagogical insights may be deepened by working with this medium for the aspiring teacher. Different techniques for different age groups will also be explored.
Theater Arts
One of the Arts frequently drawn upon in Waldorf Education is that of Drama. In this extended cross-class course the full range of the Theater Arts will be developed in all aspects of preparation and production.
Pedagogical Painting
Painting is a vital part of child’s experience in the Waldorf curriculum, and is practiced from early childhood through high school. This course is an introduction towards experiencing and approaching this important skill.
Curriculum Drawing 1 – 4
Drawing in a Waldorf school is practiced both for itself as well as a means of illustration. This artistic practice is a core ingredient in the presentation of the entire curriculum. It is essential that several techniques are known and practiced by the prospective teacher.
The new art of creative speech seeks to involve language with the poetic element that naturally belongs to it. Healthy breathing techniques and fundamentals of poetry will be included. Individual instruction and independent practice will also be required. There is an emphasis on the three speech elements in order to establish style in recitation and storytelling.
TDI - Fundamental Conceptual Courses
Child Development
An artistic understanding of the child is the basis for all teaching, no matter what age group. Childhood is the integration of physical with spiritual and soul development, and this integration process needs to be understood by the teacher.
Curriculum Research
This course is a year longs synthesis and culmination of the teacher development process. Students will focus on areas of individual interest. An introduction to research methodologies will initiate this work. Group activities will include case studies out of Waldorf classrooms and schools including administrative issues and work with parents.
Festival Preparation
"The festival life is an important aspect of every Waldorf teacher. The four seasons not only represent times of outer change in the physical world, but the impact of the cycle of nature has a deep impact on our inner life. As we examine the festivals that are celebrated at the change of seasons, we will look beyond the physical and examine the effect of the cosmos on the inner life of the human being. In addition to studying the cycle of the year, we will also plan festivals and bring them to life for the Arcturus community."
Study of Man
This course will examine Steiner’s essential ideas about the developmental education of the child from birth through adulthood. Aspects of contemporary research will also be discussed. Course work will include student presentation, review, discussion and an independent artistic piece.
Curriculum Music
The Music Curriculum course covers the songs and music that accompanies the Morning Lesson curriculum for grades 1 - 8. In addition to learning songs, music from the pentatonic flute (grades 1 and 2) and recorder curriculum (grades 3 - 8) is also included. As the materials are presented, work continues on the basic musicianship skills of reading notes and rhythms and using the singing voice in a healthy manner.
In this course we will study the concepts and methods taught in Waldorf schools from grades 1-8. We will explore samples of lesson content from each block, teacher preparation, lesson structure, and appropriate expectations of students.
Language Arts
In this course we will continue to work on developing and broadening our storytelling skills to meet the developing child throughout the grades. We will learn how the language arts curriculum stands on the foundation of storytelling and how it provides the basis for learning how to write, read and develop grammar skills. We will explore how language arts skills can be transformed from abstract concepts into imaginative pictures and meaningful activities. Pedagogical stories and birthday verses will also be explored.
Teacher Development I Observation
Additionally, 16 hours of classroom observation are required for the teacher devolpment I student.